Plant Name: Humulus lupulus
Part Used: Aerial bracts (Cones)
INCI Nomenclature: Humulus lupulus (Hops) extract
Composition: ≥ 25% dihydroiso-α-humulones
(Dissolved in Linoleic Acid/Linolenic Acid)
Use Level: 1%
Biological Activity: Anti-Inflammation
Cosmetic Uses: Soothing agent for acute and chronic inflammation
Reduction of dark circles
Prevention of spider veins and telangiectasia
ViaPure® Hops

The active components in ViaPure® Hops are stabilized dihydroiso-α-humolones. These anti- inflammatory compounds have potent activity against two different enzymes involved in the arachidonic acid inflammatory cascade (PLA2 and COX-2), and are therefore useful in sensitive skin products.

ViaPure® Hops is also recommended for products designed for inflammatory skin conditions with excessive blood vessel growth (such as rosacea). It is known that inflammatory angiogenesis can be partially controlled by inhibitors of COX, including humolones.

ViaPure® Hops has been shown to have anti-angiogenic activity, and is therefore also recommended for use in eye area products designed to reduce dark undereye circles.

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